Making the most of your session
When you register your animal for an initial communication, you will be filling out a questionnaire about your pet and some of the questions that you would like Nami to ask.
It can be helpful to ask questions that provide insight into your pet's thoughts, feelings, and well-being. Keep in mind that the effectiveness of the communication session is subjective, and the responses you receive may vary from communicator to communicator.
Here are some potential questions to help inspire you.
How is my pet feeling emotionally? This can help you understand if your pet is happy, anxious, stressed, or experiencing any emotional challenges.
Is there anything my pet wants or needs that they're not getting? This question may reveal any unmet needs or desires your pet has, whether related to food, environment, companionship, or activities.
Does my pet have any preferences or dislikes? Understanding your pet's likes and dislikes can help you provide a more enriching and comfortable environment for them.
Is my pet in pain or discomfort? Animals may not always express pain in obvious ways, so asking about their physical well-being can be important for their health.
Does my pet have any messages for me? I have never connected with an animal that did not insist on me passing along a message.
How does my pet perceive their surroundings or environment? This question can provide information on how your pet experiences their living space and whether any adjustments might improve their well-being.
Is my pet content with their routine? Animals often thrive on routine, but adjustments may be needed based on their preferences or changing circumstances.
Does my pet have any concerns or fears? Animals, like humans, can have fears or anxieties. Understanding these concerns can help address them and create a more supportive environment.
What activities or toys does my pet enjoy the most? Learning about your pet's favorite activities or toys can help you provide them with enjoyable and stimulating experiences.
How can I strengthen the bond with my pet? This question can provide insights into ways you can deepen your connection and enhance the relationship with your furry friend.
It will be more helpful if you can be as specific as possible with your questions.
For example, if you ask "how are you feeling?" your pet might say "okay", but if you are more specific such as "how are your hips feeling" your pet will be better able to give you a specific response.
Remember that the effectiveness of these questions may vary, and it's essential to approach animal communication with an open mind.